Software and source code

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Tomsk Workshop on Computational Intelligence (in Russian)
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Important! Most programs lack documentation. I'll write it shortly, but if there are any questions concerning programs usage (howtos, crashes, bugs etc.) just write me on e-mail.

Gabor filter
Gamma Science
Genetic algorithm
Graph builder
Image categorization
Image description
Image generator
Kohonen's Self-Organizing Map
Polynomial Bounds
Separable neuroevolution
Source code

Gabor filter

This program is written to show how the Gabor's filter parameters affect the filter.
The documentation is upcoming.
This program uses Mental Alchemy components.


Gamma Science

The program is written for watching medical images in DICOM format and for performing various operations for medical analysis, like drawing regions of interests and accessing their statistics and dynamical changes, watching horizontal and vertical profiles, measuring distances, using different color scales etc.
This program uses Mental Alchemy components.

Program site (in Russian)

Genetic algorithm

Genetic algorithm demo program with adjustable algorithm parameters and run statistics.
The documentation is upcoming.
This program uses Mental Alchemy components.


Graph builder

Program for calculation of all shotest paths in directed and undirected graphs and trees. The graph structure can be either loaded using adjacency matrix (the example files are included), or be generated at random.


Download description

Image categorization

This program was written for experiments on using different machine learning algorithms for automatic images categorization. The training and test images' descriptions should be created using Image description utility.
A number of algorithms is supported.
The documentation is upcoming.
This program uses Mental Alchemy components.


Image description

This program creates image description using local color and brightness parameters and edge orientation histogram. There's an ability to set image points sampler to form description from the subset of image pixels. Also a vector quantization based on the Kohonen's SOM can be used to reduce the resulting description. The result is written into text and binary files which are created in the program's directory.
The documentation is upcoming.
This program uses Mental Alchemy components.


Image generator

Generates random images filled with random primitives (horizontal and vertical lines, circles).
The documentation is upcoming.
This program uses Mental Alchemy components.


Kohonen's Self-Organizing Map

Program to train Kohonen's Self-Organizing Map using standard and batch algorithms.
The program accepts text files on input. An example is supplied with the program.
The documentation is upcoming.
This program uses Mental Alchemy components.


Polynomial Bounds

Program to compute bounds for complex and real polynomials using classic and modern algorithms.
The program generates log-file containing polynomial coefficients and bounds values sorted by their rank. The program can also be ran in a batch mode to perform mass testing of different polynomials of different orders.
This program uses Mental Alchemy components.


Separable neuroevolution

This program implements neuroevolutionary training of the neural network to increase dimension of the features space, which should lead to better classification accuracy according to the Cover's theorem (1965).
The program accepts Proben1 files on input. Examples are supplied with the program.
The documentation is upcoming.
This program uses Mental Alchemy components.


Source code:

  • Pure CMA-ES.NET. Baseline variant of the CMA-ES algorithm by Nicolaus Hansen as described in his Matlab implementation. The archive contains VS.NET 2008 solution and a MathNet.Iridium open source library to build the project.
  • Mental Alchemy. My toolkit library for .NET containing implementation of many useful functions and methods, and also image processing and machine learning algorithms. Some computationally hard methods are parallelized using OpenMP standard. This library is used by most programs on this page.

  • Made by Yury Tsoy. 2008-2011.

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